Hi! I'm Kevin

I'm an experiencer and author of
Spiritual Consciousness: A Personal Journey
Spiritual Consciousness a Personal Journey is nonfiction. It is a journey of one person from a young boy to adulthood, experiencing many aspects of life and life beyond death.
It encompasses family, friends, happiness, and heartache. This book is not about thrills and spills of fiction. It is one persons life,with unusual daily routines intersected with his extracurricular experiences. It is these experiences that he encounters that are important. They are experiences that many people don't have, but if you do, then don't be fearful . Embrace them and learn. Many children have such experiences, and in some cases, their parents don't know how to handle it. They think their child is abnormal. They are not; they require guidance and understanding. The personal journey of Kevin's shows the path he encountered.
Kevin's guide leads him elsewhere- into a different life.Do we really know the world in which we live? what is beyond?
Kevin's fascinating journey leads him within this world and into the next. There are many questions for him,and many are without answers. Kevin is undoubtedly in the present, but what about his past life, his future life,and his companions on his journey,a journey that he continues to explore? The unexplainable is explained.
How do we know we are conscious? Some people never achieve knowing about consciousness.Some find it hard to understand and believe. This book is for people who are curious, or perhaps they themselves have had an experience that they cannot explain and don't know where to turn.
You are not alone.